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7th Grade Social Studies-Period 1 Assignments

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Past Assignments


June 19th - Virtual Assignment 59 in Google Classroom

June 19th - Virtual Assignment 59

Hi Class,

Good morning! Congratulations on completing 7th grade. I am so proud of all of you! The last assignment for my class is to login into Achieve and pick any article you like. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay healthy and have a wonderful, relaxing summer!
Mrs. Montagne


June 17th - Virtual Assignment 57 in Google Classroom

June 17th - Virtual Assignment 57

Hi Class,

Good morning! You are almost done! Today's assignment is to complete the lesson 19 game in TCI. If you have any questions or need anything, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 18th - Virtual Assignment 58  in Google Classroom

June 18th - Virtual Assignment 58

Hi Class,

Good morning! There is no assignment for today. We will be meeting at 10:30 AM for our last virtual class. This will give us the opportunity to do one last activity and to say "See You Later" one last time. If you feel comfortable, please turn your cameras on. It would be really nice to see each and everyone of you one more time! If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 16th - Virtual Assignment 56  in Google Classroom

June 16th - Virtual Assignment 56

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today's assignment is a review of the lesson 19 vocabulary. Please login to TCI and use the lesson 19 vocabulary cards to help you. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 15th - Virtual Assignment 55 in Google Classroom

June 15th - Virtual Assignment 55

Hi Class!

Welcome to the last week of school! We have made it! I can't express how proud I am of each and everyone of you. You all have done an amazing job these last few months and it really shows.

Today's assignment is to read the lesson 19 summary and complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 12th - Virtual Assignment 54 in Google Classroom

June 12th - Virtual Assignment 54

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 19: Section 9 - Music: Adapting New Music and Instruments. Then, complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 11th - Virtual Assignment 53 in Google Classroom

June 11th - Virtual Assignment 53

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 19: Section 8 - Adapting Temple Designs and then complete the attached doc. Also, I have a 10:30AM Google Meet session scheduled for this class. We will be doing our last Pear Deck of the year which will cover the rest of lesson 19. If you have questions, please email me.

Stay healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 10th - Virtual Assignment 52 in Google Classroom

June 10th - Virtual Assignment 52

Hi Class,
Good morning! Today's assignment is read lesson 19: Section 7 - Sculpture: Carving Techniques Travel to Japan. Then please complete the attached doc. If you have any questions please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 9th - Virtual Assignment 51 in Google Classroom

June 9th - Virtual Assignment 51

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 19: Section 6 - Literature: Adapting Chinese Poetic Form. Then please complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 8th - Virtual Assignment 50 in Google Classroom

June 8th - Virtual Assignment 50

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read lesson 19: Section 5 - Writing: Applying Chinese Characters to the Japanese Language. Then please complete the attached doc. Also, please make sure all your work is turned in. I need to complete grades this week. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


Tyler - Missing Assignments  in Google Classroom

Tyler - Missing Assignments

Hi Tyler,

Below is a list of assignments you are missing for my class. Your current grade is a 64%. I need you to complete some of these assignments so we can bring your grade up. Assignment 2 with the ***** is very important and will make the most impact on your grade. Please try to get that assignment done first. If you need help or want to setup Google Meet sessions to get you caught up please let me know. I am here to help!

Mrs. Montagne

1. Virtual Assignment 29 - Lesson 13 Kahoot
2. ***** Virtual Assignment 31 - Lesson 13 Assessment (open book - Tyler should use the study guide to help him.) ****
3. Virtual Assignment 32 - Achieve - Being a Good Citizen
4. Virtual Assignment 33- Lesson 15: Introduction
5. Virtual Assignment 34- Lesson 15: Section 1
6. Virtual Assignment 35 - Lesson 15: Section 2
7. Virtual Assignment 36 - Lesson 15: Section 3
8. Virtual Assignment 37 - Lesson 15: Section 4
9. Virtual Assignment 38 - Lesson 15: Section 5
10. Virtual Assignment 39 - Lesson 15 Summary
11. Virtual Assignment 40 - Lesson 15 Study Guide
12. Virtual Assignment 41 - Lesson 15 Kahoot
13. Virtual Assignment 46 - Lesson 19: Section 1
14. Virtual Assignment 47 - Lesson 19: Section 2


June 4th - Virtual Assignment 49  in Google Classroom

June 4th - Virtual Assignment 49

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read lesson 19: section 4. Then complete the attached doc. Also, please check Genesis. I will be submitting your grades soon and need you to make up any work that is missing.

Also, our Google Meet session is today at 10:30 AM. Please come prepared with any questions you have by writing down your questions before the session starts. You can then post you questions in the chat, ask them, or email them to me. This is is your time to ask for help on assignments and have me go over anything you need help with. If you don't speak up, I don't know what you need help with.

Mrs. Montagne


June 5th - Make Up Work Day  in Google Classroom

June 5th - Make Up Work Day

Hi Class,

There are no new assignments today. Please login to Genesis and see what you are missing. If you complete something, please email me so I know to change the grade. Any assignments that are missing will be marked as a zero. Please reach out if you need help with anything.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 3rd - Virtual Assignment 48  in Google Classroom

June 3rd - Virtual Assignment 48

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to read Lesson 19: Section 3 - City Design: Adapting Chinese Ideas for a Magnificent City. Then please complete the attached doc. Also, grades are due soon. Please check Genesis for any missing work. Once you make up an assignment, please remember to email me so I can adjust the grade. If you have any questions, email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 2nd - Virtual Assignment 47 in Google Classroom

June 2nd - Virtual Assignment 47

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 19: Section 2. Then complete the attached doc. Also, grades are due soon. Please start checking Genesis and making sure you turned in everything. Please email me if you think there is a mistake or if you made up an assignment. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


June 1st - Virtual Assignment 46 in Google Classroom

June 1st - Virtual Assignment 46

Hi Class,

Good morning! I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend. Today's assignment is to read Lesson 19: Section 1 - Cultural Influences of Japan. Then please complete the attached doc. Also, grades are due soon. Please login to Genesis and see if you are missing anything. If you miss an assignment and make it up, please email me. Then I will update the grade. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 29th - Virtual Assignment 45  in Google Classroom

May 29th - Virtual Assignment 45

Hi Class!

Thank you to everyone who joined our virtual session yesterday! Today is our first lesson on Japan. You need to login to TCI and read Lesson 19: Introduction. Then complete the attached doc. If you have any questions please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 28th - Virtual Assignment 44 in Google Classroom

May 28th - Virtual Assignment 44

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today's assignment is to complete the Achieve article "A Really Great Wall". Below is a video with some background information about the article. Also, we have a Google Meet session at 10:30AM. Please use the link below to access the session. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 27th - Virtual Assignment 43 in Google Classroom

May 27th - Virtual Assignment 43

Good Morning Class,

Today's assignment is to login to TCI and complete the lesson 15 assessment. You may use your study guide, textbook, and notes for this. If you have any questions please email me.

Stay Healthy,
Mrs. Montagne


May 26th - Virtual Assignment 42 in Google Classroom

May 26th - Virtual Assignment 42

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to complete the Lesson 15 Game in TCI. You will also see your assessment for Lesson 15 there as well. You can complete the assessment early if you like. If not, it will be tomorrow's assignment. Also, I will not be available today for online support as I am working at school today. If you send me an email, we can discuss your questions tomorrow. Have a great day!

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 22nd - Virtual Assignment 41 in Google Classroom

May 22nd - Virtual Assignment 41

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to study for your assessment. Please complete the Kahoot to help you study (make sure to use your first name when signing in, so I can give you credit). Please make sure you use your study guide as a reference. If you have any questions, please email me. Enjoy your three day weekend!

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


One Minute Typing Test  in Google Classroom

One Minute Typing Test

Hi Class,

I need you to complete the one minute typing test by Friday morning. We did this at the beginning of the year too. I need to impute your scored test grade into Genesis so please take a look at the directions and then post your score on the attached Google Form. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 21st - Virtual Assignment 40 in Google Classroom

May 21st - Virtual Assignment 40

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to complete the lesson 15 study guide. However, we also have a Google Meet scheduled for 10:30AM. We are going to use today's session to complete the study guide together. You will need to have the study guide open and the Google Meet session. You will need to use the split screen feature. You can complete the study guide before today's session and check your answers when we do it together or wait till the session to do it. It is up to you. Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 20th - Virtual Assignment 39  in Google Classroom

May 20th - Virtual Assignment 39

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to read the lesson 15 summary and complete the attached doc. If you have questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 19th - Virtual Assignment 38 in Google Classroom

May 19th - Virtual Assignment 38

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to read Lesson 15: Section 5 - The Revival of the Civil Service System. Then complete the attached doc. On the doc is a video to watch by Khan Academy. It will review the content of lesson 15 and I strongly encourage you to watch it. Also, some of you owe me assignments. Please login to Genesis and check your grades. If you are missing something, please make it up and then email me to tell me you completed it. I will then update it in Genesis. If you have any questions, please email me. Have a great day!

Mrs. Montagne


May 18th - Virtual Assignment 37 in Google Classroom

May 18th - Virtual Assignment 37

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read lesson 15: Section 4 - The Period of Mongol Rule. Then complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 15 - Virtual Assignment 36 in Google Classroom

May 15 - Virtual Assignment 36

Hi Class,

Good morning! Thank you to everyone who joined our virtual session yesterday. You all did amazing work! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 15 - Section 3: Meritocracy - The Song Dynasty. Then complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 14th - Virtual Assignment 35 in Google Classroom

May 14th - Virtual Assignment 35

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today we will have our Google Meet session at 10:30 AM. Please click the link below to access the session. Also, today's assignment is to read lesson 15: Section 2 - Aristocracy: The Tang Dynasty. Then please complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 13th - Virtual Assignment 34  in Google Classroom

May 13th - Virtual Assignment 34

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to login to TCI and read Lesson 15: Section 1. Then complete the attached doc. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 12th - Virtual Assignment 33 in Google Classroom

May 12th - Virtual Assignment 33

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today we will be starting a new topic. Please read lesson 15: The Political Development in Ancient China - Introduction. Then complete the attached doc. In the doc is a video to watch. The video will give you a brief overview of the topic. If you have questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 11th - Virtual Assignment 32 in Google Classroom

May 11th - Virtual Assignment 32

Hi Class!

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a nice weekend. Today's assignment is log in to Achieve 3000 and complete the article "Being A Good Citizen". Attached is a video for you to watch to build your schema. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 8th - Virtual Assignment 31  in Google Classroom

May 8th - Virtual Assignment 31

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to take the lesson 13 assessment. Please login to TCI and click on assignments. You will see the assessment there. Also, please use your study guide, textbook, and notes to complete the assessment. TCI will also read you the questions, make sure to click the play button. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 7th - Virtual Assignment 30  in Google Classroom

May 7th - Virtual Assignment 30

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to complete the lesson 13 game in TCI. We will also be having a Google Meet session today at 10:30 AM to review for tomorrow's test. Please use the link below to access the session.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 6th - Virtual Assignment 29  in Google Classroom

May 6th - Virtual Assignment 29

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to study for your assessment on Friday. I have attached a lesson 13 Kahoot for you to complete. If you have any questions or need help, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 5th - Virtual Assignment 28  in Google Classroom

May 5th - Virtual Assignment 28

Hi Class!

Today's assignment is to complete the Lesson 13 study guide. Your test will be on Friday. You can use the study guide, TCI, and your notes on the test. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


May 4th - Virtual Assignment 27  in Google Classroom

May 4th - Virtual Assignment 27

Good Morning Class!

Today's assignment is to review your vocabulary for lesson 13. Please use the Vocabulary Cards in TCI to complete the attached form. This will count as a supplemental grade. Please make sure to use your resources (TCI) to help you! If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy,
Mrs. Montagne


May 1 - Virtual Assignment 26 in Google Classroom

May 1 - Virtual Assignment 26

Hi Class!

Good morning! Thank you to all of you who joined in yesterday during our virtual session. For those of you who missed it, please remember we meet every Thursday at 10:30 AM. I attached the presentation from yesterday for you all to review. Today's lesson is to read Lesson 13: Section 7. Then complete the doc below. If you need help, please email me. I am available between the hours of 9AM and 1 PM.

Stay Healthy and Have a Great Weekend!
Mrs. Montagne


April 30th - Virtual Assignment 25  in Google Classroom

April 30th - Virtual Assignment 25

Hi Class,

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 13 - Section 6: Islamic Architectural Styles and complete the attached doc. We will also be having a virtual session today at 10:30 AM. The link to the session is attached also. In our session we will be using Pear Deck to review the rest of lesson 13. Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne


April 28th/April 29th - Virtual Assignment 24 in Google Classroom

April 28th/April 29th - Virtual Assignment 24

Good morning class!

Today's assignment is to login to TCI and read Lesson 13: Section 5 - The Arabic Language. Then complete the doc below. Also, please don't forget that our Google Meet session will be Thursday at 10:30 AM. I will post the link in Google Classroom. Also, the school processed my last name change so you will be seeing that name pop up on my email, Google Classroom, and Achieve. Please know that Montagne is my married name and I will be going by that going forward. Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!
Mrs. Montagne (Ms. Carle)


April 27th - Virtual Assignment 23  in Google Classroom

April 27th - Virtual Assignment 23

Good Morning Class!

I hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing weekend. Today's assignment is to read Lesson 13- Section 4: An Emphasis on Education. Then complete the attached doc. If you have any questions or need help, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 24th - Virtual Assignment 22  in Google Classroom

April 24th - Virtual Assignment 22

Hi Class!

You guys were amazing yesterday! Thank you all for joining in on the virtual session. I hope you enjoyed using Pear Deck with me. It seemed to work great and I am hoping that we can do that every week going forward. Today's assignment is to read Lesson 13: Section 3 - Government and Law. Then complete the attached doc. Also, some of you are missing assignments. Please use the rest of your time today to login to Genesis and check what you are missing. If you are missing something, please go back and complete it so I can give you credit for it. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 23rd - Virtual Assignment 21  in Google Classroom

April 23rd - Virtual Assignment 21

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 13 - Section 2: Religious Practices and complete the doc below. Also, I will be hosting a Google Meet session today at 10:30 AM. Please use the attached link to join the session. In the session I will be using a Google Slides and Pear Deck to review this week's material. This will be my first time using Pear Deck over Google Meet so please be patient with me. Once we are all in the meeting I will send you the code to join the Pear Deck. You will need to use the split screen feature and have the Pear Deck on one screen and the Google Meet on the other. If you have questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 22nd - Virtual Assignment 20  in Google Classroom

April 22nd - Virtual Assignment 20

Hi Class!

Good morning! Today's assignment is to login to TCI and read Lesson 13 - Section 1: The Spread of Islam in West Africa. Then complete the questions in the attached doc. You do not need to answer the questions in TCI. I have been putting the questions onto the doc because I think it is easier. I can then make corrections and comment on your work more effectively. If you have questions, please email me! Have a great day!

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 21st - Virtual Assignment 19 in Google Classroom

April 21st - Virtual Assignment 19

Hi Class,

It is hard to believe we are 19 days into virtual learning. I miss you all and hope you are all doing well. Today's assignment is to read lesson 13 - The Influence of Islam on West Africa: Introduction. Once you complete the reading, please complete the activity below. We will be meeting on Thursday at 10:30 AM to go over the topics assigned. I will send the link out Thursday morning. If you have questions or need help in the meantime, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 20th - Virtual Assignment 18  in Google Classroom

April 20th - Virtual Assignment 18

Hi Class,

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope everyone had a wonderful week off! Today's assignment is to learn about the US Census. Please login to Achieve 3000 and complete the article "Counting on the US". The article is going to talk about problems with the 2010 Census. Also, below is a short video that will help you to understand why the Census is important. Also, please make sure you completed virtual assignment 17. It was attached to assignment 16 and included completing the thought question for the Achieve article "Ancient Lines in the Sand". I have about half you missing this assignment. If you questions or need help, please email me. Have a great Monday!

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 7th - Virtual Assignment 16
April 8th - Virtual Assignment 17  in Google Classroom

April 7th - Virtual Assignment 16 April 8th - Virtual Assignment 17

Hi Class,

Good morning! I am giving you your next two assignments together because I think it might be easier to do them together.

Virtual Assignment 16 - (To count towards you lexile adjustment, this assignment must be completed during normal school hours 7:30-2:30.)
1. Login to Achieve 3000 ( - once you are logged into your school google account)
2. Watch the Video Link that is attached
3. Read the article "Ancient Lines in the Sand"
4. Complete the Activity

Virtual Assignment 17
1. Login to Achieve 3000 ( - once you are logged into your school google account)
2. Complete the Thought Question for "Ancient Lines in the Sand"

Any questions, please email me. If not, have a wonderful SPRING BREAK!

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


Please help make Joey's birthday special!  in Google Classroom

Please help make Joey's birthday special!

Hi Class,

Below is a slideshow I created. I designed the first slide but was hoping that you guys could take a few minutes and add to it. If everyone creates a slide for him that would be really cool! My tech skills aren't as good as yours, so please be as creative as you want. If you feel up to it, maybe video yourself and upload the image. My hope is that we can share this with Joey tonight and make him feel special. Please email me if you have any questions.

Ms. Carle


April 6th - Virtual Assignment 15 in Google Classroom

April 6th - Virtual Assignment 15

Hi Class!

Welcome to the 4th week of virtual learning! I am so proud of all of you. You are all doing a wonderful job! Today's assignment is to take your lesson 12 test.

Steps to take Test
1. Login to TCI
2. Click on Assignments
3. Click on Lesson 12 Assessment

This assessment is open book and open notes. Also, you can use the play button in TCI and TCI will read you the test. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 3rd - Virtual Assignment 14  in Google Classroom

April 3rd - Virtual Assignment 14

Good Morning Class,

Congratulations on making it through three weeks of virtual learning! Today's assignment is to complete the Lesson 12 Game in TCI. (Login to TCI to do this)

Since today's assignment is short, please use the rest of our class time to makeup any assignments you are missing. If you are unsure, please check your stream on Google Classroom or check your grades in Genesis. Every assignment I post is in Genesis. If you receive a 0 or 50% on something, you can make it up. Please complete the missed assignment and then send me an email letting me know you completed it. I will then update the grade in Genesis. If you have questions about this, please email me!

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 2nd - Virtual Assignment 13 in Google Classroom

April 2nd - Virtual Assignment 13

Good Morning Class,

Today's assignment is a review for your test on Monday. Please complete the Kahoot that is attached. You must use your real name when completing the Kahoot. This will allow me to give you credit for the assignment.

I will also be checking study guides today. I will be making corrections and returning them to you via email. Please look for an email from me that your study guide has been returned. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


April 1st - Virtual Assignment 12  in Google Classroom

April 1st - Virtual Assignment 12

Good Morning Class,

Please use lesson 12 to complete the study guide below. The test will be open book, open notes, and you can use your study guide. The test will be on Monday, April 6th. If you have any questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


March 31st - Virtual Assignment 11  in Google Classroom

March 31st - Virtual Assignment 11

Good Morning Class,

Today's assignment is to read the lesson 12 summary in TCI and complete the notes below. Then login to IXL and complete The Ghana Empire lesson (skill W.1). Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


March 30th - Virtual Assignment 10  in Google Classroom

March 30th - Virtual Assignment 10

Good morning class!

Welcome to the third week of virtual learning! You are all doing an amazing job and I am very proud of you! Today's lesson is to read Lesson 12: Section 5 - The Decline of Ghana and the Rise of Mali. If you have questions, please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


March 27th - Virtual Assignment 9  in Google Classroom

March 27th - Virtual Assignment 9

Hi Class,

You guys are awesome! Most of you have all your assignments complete. If you think you are missing something, please check Genesis. Anything without a grade, is missing and I need you to complete it. Today's assignment is short, so you have plenty of time to go back and complete anything you missed.

Today's assignment is to read lesson 12 - section 4: The Exchange of Goods. When you finish, please complete the doc below. Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


Virtual Spirit Week  in Google Classroom

Virtual Spirit Week

Happy Saturday Class! This week at MMS we are having a virtual spirit week. Please email me your photos and I will insert them into the slides below. Any questions? Email me! Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Here's the schedule;
πŸ“£ Miss You Monday - Show your classmates what you miss most about MMS.

πŸ“š.πŸ’ Study Buddy Tuesday - Show MMS who you have been working with. A pet, sibling, your favorite stuffed animal? Snap a selfie and share it with your first-period teacher.

🎧 πŸ–₯ Work It Wednesday - Show your classmates your β€˜new’ workspace. Snap a selfie where you are getting your work done!

🍎 Dress Like A Teacher Thursday - Dress like a teacher day! Snap a selfie of you dressed like a teacher and send it to your first-period teacher!

πŸƒ πŸ’ƒFitness Friday - It’s important to stay active and get fresh air. Have you been walking outside? Skateboarding? Playing basketball? Doing yoga? Snap a picture of how you are staying fit.


March 26th - Virtual Assignment 8  in Google Classroom

March 26th - Virtual Assignment 8

Hi Class!

Thank you to those of you who joined our first video conferencing session. We will continue to do these, so be on the look out for another link soon. Today's assignment is to read Lesson 12 - Section 3: The Gold and Salt Trade. Once you complete the reading, please complete the attached assignment below. In the doc is a video link. Please make sure to watch the video. It will help with understanding the text. Also, if you need anything please email me.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


Lesson 11: Assessment Retake in Google Classroom

Lesson 11: Assessment Retake

Hi Class!

If this retake is showing up in your stream then you did not do as expected on the test. Therefore, I am allowing you to retake it. Please make sure you review the corrections on your study guide before retaking it. Also, login to TCI and play the lesson 11 game. This will help you prepare. The assessment is open book. Please make sure to use your resources (textbook, notes, study guide) when retaking it. If you have questions, please email me. Stay healthy!

Ms. Carle


March 25th - Virtual Assignment 7  in Google Classroom

March 25th - Virtual Assignment 7

Hi Class!

Today we will have our first video session together. It is scheduled at 11AM. If you did not get an invite, then I do not have a completed permission form from your parents. Please ask them to check their emails and submit the form. If they did not get an email, then I do not have a correct email address. Please have them email me a correct address at [email protected]. I will then send the permission form.

Today's assignment is to read lesson 12: Section 2- The Source of Ghana's Wealth. However I noticed that many of you are not completing the questions in TCI. Therefore, I have attached the questions to the bottom of the notes. Completing the questions is a requirement and you will not receive credit for the assignment unless they are completed. Also, if you are missing credit for an assignment, please go back and complete it. For now, I am still giving credit for missing assignments (The sooner you get them in, the better! I will not have to email your parent then.) As always, please email me with any questions! I am here to help and I hope to see you all online at 11AM.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


March 25th - First Virtual Teaching Online Session  in Google Classroom

March 25th - First Virtual Teaching Online Session

Hi Class!

If this posting is showing up in your feed then you are being invited to my first virtual online conferencing session. At 11AM tomorrow, please click the link below. This will connect you to the session. The plan for tomorrow is to talk about the readings for Monday and Tuesday. Please have your questions completed and be ready to discuss. You will have another assignment tomorrow. Stay healthy!

Ms. Carle


Virtual Learning Feedback Form  in Google Classroom

Virtual Learning Feedback Form

Dear Class,

Attached is a virtual learning feedback form. I would like to get your opinion on how things are going so far. Please complete this when you get some time.

Thank you!
Ms. Carle


March 24th - Virtual Assignment 6  in Google Classroom

March 24th - Virtual Assignment 6

Good Morning Class!

Happy Tuesday! Please login to TCI and read Lesson 12: Section 1 - Ghana's Government and Military. Please complete the activity for the lesson and the attached class notes. Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!


March 23rd - Virtual Assignment 5  in Google Classroom

March 23rd - Virtual Assignment 5

Good Morning Class!

Welcome to the second week of virtual learning! You are all doing an amazing job and I'm very proud of you! Keep it up! Today's assignment is to read Lesson 12: Introduction (login to your Google account and find TCI in the apps). I would also like you to complete the activity for Lesson 12: Introduction and the attached notes. Please email me if you have any questions.

Also, I want to start doing videoing conferencing this week. Please tell you parents to check their email accounts. I will be sending a permission form to them. If your parent doesn't get the permission form, I may have the wrong email address on file. Please have them email at [email protected] with the correct email address and I will make sure they get the form.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


March 20th - Virtual Assignment 4 in Google Classroom

March 20th - Virtual Assignment 4

Good Morning Class,

Happy Friday! Attached is your lesson 11 test. Take your time while completing it. It will count as a test grade in grade book. Also, Mr. Seibert made a Hawk News. Check out the video below.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle


March 19th - Virtual Assignment 3 in Google Classroom

March 19th - Virtual Assignment 3

Good Morning Class!

I had a few people turn in their study guide late. Since this is all new to us, I want to make sure everyone has enough time to study for the lesson 11 test. Therefore, I am moving the test to tomorrow March 20th. Please use the additional time to study. Also, today's assignment will be to login to Achieve 3000 and complete the article "A Desert Run". Please watch the attached video - Running the Sahara Video Trailer first. This will give you some background knowledge before reading it. In addition, please take your time with the article and make sure you use all the reading strategies you have learned. One that I suggest is to use the summarize feature after every two paragraphs. This will make you go back and reread and therefore increase your understanding. Also, please know that the article will count towards your lexile adjustment and a grade in grade book. If you have any questions, please email me. I am here to help!

Stay Healthy,
Ms. Carle


March 18th - Virtual Assignment 2  in Google Classroom

March 18th - Virtual Assignment 2

Kahoot - Lesson 11: Early Societies in West Africa

Hi Class,
Today's lesson is two parts. First, login to TCI and read the lesson 11 summary. Then, please use this Kahoot to review for you test on Thursday. This assignment is due Thursday morning by 9am. After 9am your study guide and the Kahoot will no longer be available. You must complete these assignments in a timely manner to be ready for your test on Thursday. Please email me if you have any questions.

Stay Healthy!
Ms. Carle

*****UPDATE - Please use your first name when completing the Kahoot. This will allow me to give you credit for the assignment. If you use a nickname or something else, I will not know it is you and will not be able to give you credit. Also, please turn in the assignment on Google Classroom when it is complete.*****


March 16th (Due March 17th)- Virtual Assignment 1 in Google Classroom

March 16th (Due March 17th)- Virtual Assignment 1

Hi Class!

I hope you all enjoyed today's snow day and are doing well. Please remember that your lesson 11 study guide was due today. I would like you to post your study guide to Google Classroom. You can do this by typing your answers in the attached Google Doc or by taking a picture and then posting the pictures to the Google Doc. This is due tomorrow by 12PM. Once you have shared your answers, I will share the answer guide with you so you can check your work. Your test will continue to be on Thursday. If you have any questions, please email me. I will be available Monday-Friday between the hours of 9AM - 1PM. Stay healthy!

Ms. Carle


Byzantine Postcard Project  in Google Classroom

Byzantine Postcard Project