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Stress Management

Feeling Stressed?
We all experience stress. In middle school you may experience stress or anxiety for various reasons (academics, friendships, family and the list goes on and on). Check out the link below to understand what happens when we worry...
"Recognizing how and why the brain and body transform in moments of anxiety is a first step in helping alleviate the condition." (Renee Jain, MAPP,
So now that we know whats happening..what do we do? See below for some stress busters  to help you manage your stress:
Breathing- practice deep, slow breathing
Self-Talk- Talk yourself through a situation. Remind yourself that you have no control over most things that happen. You can control how you perceive a situation and how you think about it. 
Imagery- Imagine things that will be relaxing for your. Examples: beach scene with sun, sand, and ocean waves
Exercise- Walking, running, jogging, participating in a spor
Eat well- healthy eating can help you reduce stress
Sleep- sleep recharges your brain. What happens when you don't charge your phone at night? Same goes for humans. You NEED rest. 
Stretching- Neck rolls, shoulder rolls, body stretches help to relax tense muscles
Music- listen to relaxing music or play a musical instrument
Know Your Limits- Be realistic about what you can do and how much time you have
Time Management- Make a "To-Do" list and check things off as you do them
Make Time for Fun- make time to relax and have fun. Breaks are important. Laughter is important!
Share Your Stress- Find a trusted adult to share what is stressing you out. Talking about it can help!
Cry- It is okay to cry. This can be a healthy way to release your tension . 
(Grab Bag Guidance, 2005, MarCo Products, Inc)
Cool Apps: 
Stop, Breathe & Think: This app offers a solid sampling of the basics of meditation, featuring a range of exercises at varying lengths (mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, the body scan practice), ideal for short practices at work and longer sessions at home. (
*Sometimes stress and anxiety becomes so overwhelming we cannot manage it on our own. When that happens please talk to an adult you can trust. *