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Jodi Girard » Tips on Making and Keeping Friends

Tips on Making and Keeping Friends




Skill for Making Friends


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1. Initiate Conversation- What topics can you chat about? School, hobbies, sports, teachers etc.

    2. Ask someone their name, how their weekend was or what they are doing this weekend.       Ask them about a class or an upcoming assignment.

3. Interpret Social Situations- Interpret what is going on around you. Read social cues. If someone is smiling at you, this shows that this person is more open to talking than someone who turns their head and starts speaking to someone else after you initiate conversation.  Learning how to wait your turn and not interrupt is important as well.

4. Interact positively- Speak about positive things. Do not try to engage people in a negative way (making noises, interrupting, talking bad about other people, etc.) This can turn people off.  Instead discuss a great movie, TV show, sports, video games etc.

5. Pay attention to speaker- Listening is one of the basic social rules! Can you maintain your focus and follow what someone is saying from start to finish? Making eye contact, nodding and asking questions are all signs you are listening which shows another person you care about what they have to say.