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Ryan Collins » P.E. Grading Policy

P.E. Grading Policy

Marlboro Middle School

Physical Education Grading Policy


Grading is in three parts:

Each marking period a student’s participation, preparation, and sportsmanship will be graded.  Students who participate actively, show good sportsmanship, and behave appropriately will receive full credit.  A reduction in points may occur from class grade due to a variety of reasons.


  1. Participation 40%
  2. Preparation 40%
  3. Sportsmanship 20%




Point Deduction


Late to class





Poor Sportsmanship

Poor Conduct

Dangerous Behavior




Lack of involvement

Lack of effort




Talking during directions

Not paying attention or talking during activities





Class Preparation


Child is unprepared and therefore can not participate

-5 from final grade


Marlboro Middle School

Physical Education Grading Policy

Grading is in three parts:


    1. Participation Each day a student’s participation, conduct, and sportsmanship are graded on a 5 point scale.  Students who participates actively, shows good sportsmanship, and behave appropriately will receive 5 points for that class period.  A reduction in points may occur from class grade due to a variety of reasons.
    2. Preparation for class
    1. Sneakers
    2. Removal of all jewelry
    3. Change of Clothes 
      1. Shorts
      2. Sweats
      3. T-shirts (no tank tops)


 Students will be made aware of both skill objectives and specific behavior/participation objectives during each class.