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Welcome to Biology

Grade 7

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It is my pleasure to be teaching in Marlboro. I also coach boy's cross country, 
boy's basketball and boy's/girl's tennis for Marlboro Middle School.
I hope the information on this page gives you some insight
into Life Science (Biology) with Mr. Conkling.

Topics Covered in Life Science:


1. Cell Structure and Function 

2. Cell Division

3.  Genetics                                                       

4.  The Classification System

5.  Kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria

6.  Kingdom Protista

7.  Kingdom Fungi

8.  Kingdom Plantae

9.  Kingdom Animalia

10. Frog Dissection  

11. Evolution 

12. Ecology

13. Scientific Method and Engineering Design


The seventh grade life science curriculum is geared towards giving the students a

strong foundation in biology, which will assist them in their studies in biology

during their high school years. The children, in life science, will

perform labs and other activities that will require the children to

apply class notes and concepts to “real-world” situations.


Important Classroom Information:


1. Homework is given two to four times a week.

2. All grades can be found on the Genesis Parent Portal.

3. Three to seven days advice warning is given for every test and quiz.


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              If you have any questions or concerns please email me at [email protected]