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Diana Starr » Supplies


At Home
___ a designated area for doing HW

___ Chromebook charger (if you bring a

         Chromebook home)

___ pencil case with some essentials:

             ___ earbuds

             ___ sticky notes

             ___ 1-2 blue/black pens

             ___ 1-2 highlighters

             ___ 1-2 pencils

Bring to Class Everyday

___ charged Chromebook in the protective case at all times

___ agenda pad (containing Hall Pass and daily HW)

___ 2-pocket folder (1 folder for all classes is best)

             ___ left-side labeled: leave at home

             ___ right-side labeled: bring back

___ pencil case containing the following items:

             ___ earbuds

             ___ 1-2 dry erase markers

             ___ sticky notes

             ___ 1-2 blue/black pens

             ___ 1-2 highlighters

             ___ 1-2 pencils